No Fear! Day 8 of 30 – Shake Day

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up” – Vince Lambordi.

 Hello and good morning! Happy Monday, I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Things were hectic for the last few days of the week going into the weekend. There were some things that had to be finished up with turning over the old house back to the landlord, and then I had to work this weekend and didn’t really have access to the internet. I didn’t forget about you, I promise! During those remaining shake days, I stuck with the nutritional plan but had to adjust and improvise on my workout routine for those days. While at work this weekend, I brought a chocolate decadence meal replacement bars…Let’s just say I was the happiest camper around. That was the first time eating this brand’s particular meal replacement bar. ..Well worth the wait of saving for an occasion where I was on the go! 😉

I know I’ve said this in my past posts, but I’m in love with the nutritional products that I’ve been using because I really like the way it makes me feel at the end of the day. It’s difficult to explain, but I feel healthier and more refreshed with the combination of shake and cleanse days.

“Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion” – Michael Jordan.

After the first week… I’m down 4-5 lbs! (144-145lbs). 🙂  What I’ve learned is to stick with a workout routine and watch what you eat. It’s all about portion control and dedication. I’m still in a little bit of a shock, this is the most that I’ve lost in a short amount of time. If I can do it, you can do it! Believe in yourself and what YOU can do. No matter the pitfalls or the experiences you’ve had in the past, don’t give up! It’s about what you do now that counts the most.  I still have a lot of work to do with regard to toning up my body during this weight loss program, but it’s still a work in progress.

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Woman running for exercise at sunset.
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Today: Shake day + weight training (I added an extra circuit and increased the number of repetitions for each exercise) = Time to put in some work!

Circuit 1

  • Military Press: 5 sets of 10.
  •  Upright Row: 5 sets of 10.
  • Rear Deltoid Flies: 5 sets of 10.
  • Bent over Rows: 5 sets of 10.

Circuit 2 & 3

  • Military Press: 5 sets of 10
  • Upright row: 5 sets of 10
  • Rear Deltoid Flies: 5 sets of 10.
  • Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 10.
  • Arnold Press (variation of military press): 5 sets 10.

Until next time… 🙂